ANE Has Successfully Conducted Its 2021 Mid-Year Review For Two Days

ANE Has Successfully Conducted Its 2021 Mid-Year Review For Two Days

In attendance were HQ Executive Management members and Senior Management Members of Branch Offices.

The key areas of deliberations included appraisal of physical and financial performances, along with some of the major challenges, limitations and unfolding opportunities in light of ANE increasing humanitarian operations in the country.

Despite immense success in the middle of continued challenges, ANE committed itself to culminate the remaining tasks ahead before the end of the year.Review of in-house and external coordination and the need for exploring new boundaries of partnerships beyond the traditional focus – including ANE’s future potential focus on Livelihoods, Gender, Climate Change, Peace building, Resilience has been emphasized.

The two-days review meeting culminated with a set of action points which were collectively agreed upon by both the HQ and the Field office management.

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